A Porch of My Own

A Porch of My Own

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Living Large "Be Happy" Challenge!

Sometimes happiness doesn't find us, we have to seek it out. My friend Kerri, the Living Large in Our Little House lady, has decided to do just that this summer!

She's working extra hours each day so she can have Fridays off. And she intends to find some happy times on those Fridays! She challenges us to do the same. Most of us can't get Fridays off but you can still make time each week to do something fun. And to encourage us she's offering some prizes!

Check out her blog post at the link below or follow her on Living Large in our Little House Facebook page for details. It's super easy to join the fun, all it takes is a comment sharing what you've done that makes you happy that week.

Here's what Kerri has to say about the challenge - "Each week, I will blog about a different activity I’m going to engage in that will bring me pure joy. That will also be your “find” for the hunt. For example, the find this week is doing something I’ve never done before. I’m in my 50s and I’ve never had a pedicure! But you don’t have to spend money or even leave your house. Your find might be reading a book you’ve always wanted to read, cooking or eating an ethnic dish you’ve always wanted to try or checking out a museum in your town. It could be anything, as long as it brings you joy!"

Here's the link to Kerri's blog post -

Living Large In Our Little House Scavenger Hunt

Enjoy your summer and be purposeful in your pursuit to have fun. Time slips away from us and these days can go by so fast. I just discovered my little town has a farmer's/craft market on Saturdays in the summer and I checked it out this morning. Came home with some Colorado peaches and a cold weather hardy tomato plant to try! It was fun at the market and fun eating those peaches on ice cream this afternoon. Sometimes fun is a big thing and sometimes it's a little thing!

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