A Porch of My Own

A Porch of My Own

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Leaving Your Mark Along the Trail

As a lot of photos of the ranch cabins and the Kangaroom tiny house in Austin show up on the looking back feature on my Facebook page, naturally it makes me sad that we did all that work and then left them. But it also makes me proud that we did it and passed it on to others to enjoy. And in the case of the Kangaroom Casa de Abuelos, to enable the new young family to make extra money to offset their mortgage obligation. Our motto was always leave it better than we found it, even the times we lived in a rental. 

And as I enjoy my new Colorado cabin, it makes me happy to see all the work Matt did and passed on to me. Life is a journey not a destination and we leave our mark as we pass by.

I hope you’re leaving your mark as you go on your journey and are proud of what you left along the trail. And I hope someone left their mark for you. 


  1. I totally agree! WoW!!really like that floor!

    1. Thank you, JB. Matt, the previous owner, did that. He was a flooring guy and did all the floors, in some cases replacing the pink carpet that was here when he bought the house! This inlay has Chimney Rock, a national monument a few miles down the road, in the center. The outer band is made up of 6 thin strips so that he could bend it into the circle shape!

    2. As an old woodworker i admire the skill and attention to detail it takes to do that especially in a scale as large enuff for a floor!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. that wood inlay in the floor is amazing!
