It seems the cats have assumed the responsibility of guarding the Rockin’RS since Woodrow and Gus didn’t make the move to the mountains. And although it wasn’t consciously planned that way, the new guardians have the same personalities as the old guardians.
Heathcliff is the brooding loner Woodrow and Solar is the friendly curious Gus. And just like the longhorns they are the best of buddies.
This morning Heathcliff and Solar unknowingly mimicked Woodrow and Gus, sitting back to back like the boys often did, keeping an eye out for trouble in each direction.
Until I saw them this way, it never occurred to me that I’d instinctively sought out a smaller version of the longhorns. But the heart wants what it wants. So says Emily Dickinson and Selena Gomez and I have to agree.
Gotta like that!